Thursday 27 February 2014

Video Games AWESOME

There seems to be this theme where the people I disliked at first gain my daily attention and loyalty in the future.

Just like the Nostalgia Critic, the guys from Farfromsubtle didn't interest me at all at first. Though, I never "despised" them like the Nostalgia Critic, I just found their show "AWESOME Video Games" to be badly acted and boring. The only good thing was the intro song.
But they were obviously having fun.

The first thing I ever saw from the channel Farfromsubtle was actually the small animations starring these characters who have an electronic bassline for voices, and I loved those, but I never bothered to check out anything else from them at the time. But one bored day, when browsing through the Angry Video Game Nerd's subscriptions (I wanted to look for more Youtube gamers), I got introduced/reminded by them again, and while I was still busy looking for a decent AWESOME Video Games episode, no offense guys, they suddenly lauched the first episode of a new show "Video Games AWESOME".

Not to be confused with AWESOME Video Games.

The fact these guys decided to sit down on a green-screened couch, play video games and say whatever comes up in their minds, is brilliant. Back in those days you didn't really see that many people just boot up a game and (successfully) talk over the gameplay; everything had to be acted; everything had to be an Angry Video Games Nerd parody or rip-off. Good times.
Interestingly enough, though, host Fraser is a better "angry video game nerd" than James is. His anger has always been legit, and his rage earned its own title by fans; "frage".

To hear these guys make better jokes live than when holding a script in their hands was strange, but I fully welcomed it. They are honestly funny people and I watch their videos every day.
Though, many old fans preferred the first show and didn't really welcome it at all. I guess I was the only one who didn't like AWESOME Video Games.

The thing with these guys is that they remind me of my friends. And they'll remind you of your friends as well. And if you don't have any friends, they'll be your friends.
They are so involved with their viewers, it's hard not to like them just for that.

I'm still sad that the original team is hardly ever complete anymore, as Kyle and Deacon tend to be too busy to join the show's recent gameplays, but even when it's just 1, 2 or 3 instead of 5 sitting on the couch, the head man, Fraser, still manages to entertain you.

Fraser is what keeps this show alive. He and his girlfriend Becky have always done their best to hear out their fans and keep the show running.

Becky actually used to be active in the background, answering live comments, and seeing her face appear on the screen for the first time needed some time to get used to, but she grew out to be a very comedic person, and she's the show's official costume maker as well.
It stays a strange feeling to introduce these fellas to other people, as you're showing a bunch of guys sitting on a couch wearing the craziest costumes in existence, but in combination with their voice acting for text-based games, you can't deny it is a playful introduction.

Though, it often saddens me there are alot of people criticizing Fraser's behaviour and gaming skills, and it makes me wonder why they even call themselves fans if Fraser can never do it "right" according to them.
Of course, the show always has those moments where you try to direct or correct them, even though they can't hear you; but there's always someone on the couch or in the live chat who says exactly what you're screaming at your computer screen. And it's always acknowledged.
Everything is always acknowledged. So why are people still so angry?

Video Games AWESOME is top entertainment, and Fraser is more intelligent than people give him credit for.
And Kyle is funnier than people give him credit for.

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