Wednesday 19 March 2014

The repetition from Nintendo

I'm completely fine with Nintendo's contineous urge to recycle, mainly their Mario and Zelda series.
Nintendo satisfies those who never want to feel nostalgic. They keep the child in us alive, and they do it well.

Tuesday 11 March 2014

Cinderella 3

I have a passion for this movie.

I can't say I don't understand the people who avoid this movie, nor the people who claim it ruins the original story of Cinderella, but I still don't agree with them.
Because we don't like to see original content based on existing content from Disney, fans already tend to be skeptic. And I can't blame them; as Disney sequels are often far from good. The Lion King movies being one of those rare exceptions.

Cinderella 2 is by far the worst sequel, as it consists out of a cheap collection of three different stories, and mediocre animation. It's what made people even less eager to watch the third movie.
Though, it looked like everybody agreed with each other that the story of Cinderella's stepsister, Anastasia, was the by far the best thing the movie had to offer, and I fully believe it is what spawned Cinderella 3.

In many ways, Cinderella 3 looks like a big "sorry, let's try that again" from Disney. There's no doubt that the second movie was a spit in the face of the original classic, but it also seemed to function as a poll, and results showed that people were quite alright with Anastasia's character development. And really, that is why Cinderella 3 stars Anastasia. Besides Cinderella.

The animation in this movie is just great. Obviously it's not of the same quality as the original, and looks clean like animation tends to be these days, but you can see they've put alot of love into this movie.
The characters we never cared about have a personality now and there are some serious giggles. I find the story to be creative and fun, even though the plot is considered the problem by viewers.

The movie starts off showing everybody's life after Cinderella married the prince, with Cinderella being happy and her ex-family always having way too many dishes for some reason, but then the romantic Anastasia wanders off, discovers Cinderella's secret to her happiness, and manages to get hold onto the fairy godmother's magic wand.
She brings it to her mother, who's inner villain gets awakened, and she decides to use the wand to turn back time and make sure Anastasia is the one who marries the prince.

I found all of this to be just brilliant, and it even makes us forgive Anastasia for her bland hateful behaviour in the first movie.
But, when keeping her original character in mind, does this "new" Anastasia really belong? This is really the only instance where Cinderella 2 comes in, as it stars an Anastasia not too different from the original, but still you see her change into a nicer person. Cue in Cinderella 3.
But oddly enough, considering that movie canon wouldn't make any sense to the overal story, chronologically. When did Anastasia meet up with that baker guy? If it's before Cinderella 3, then why is she even interested in the prince? If it's after Cinderella 3, then why is Anastasia being such a bitch to Cinderella as shown in the second movie?

Cinderella 3 makes a reference to its lazy prequel in the credits, so it does acknowledge the baker Anastasia fell in love with. I don't know how the puzzle fits, but it's clear that Disney listened to their viewers.

Tuesday 4 March 2014


Ebeeto is a wasted Youtuber who could've been something if he cared.

He is one of the first Youtube gamers I followed back in the day, together with Armake21, the Angry Video Game Nerd, Fat Mann Judgeth, and all those other people who were a million times funnier than the young and heavy-accented Pewdiepie.

No offense to Pewdiepie personally, he seems like a decent guy in real life, but the fact I've seen and heard millions like him before makes me even more confused as to why he is as famous as he is. The boy does not deserve over a million views.

Ebeeto was best known for his "Angry Video Game Fag"/Hitman gameplay videos, but somewhere along the way he stopped giving a crap about Youtube, and I believe he disappeared for a whole year or 2.
He sorta came back, but not really, and the issue now is that he is an ancient and faded celebrity most people have forgotten about.

This man is so incredibly funny, it's a shame that he didn't push through when he was still interesting to people. It's an even bigger shame that the few videos he did post gained hardly any views.

Phil Collins

I like Phil Collins, yo.

I never understood how the creators of South Park could bear such a strong hatred for him. His voice is soothing, and his music stayed recognizable all throughout the years.

Really, he's one of the few oldies artists who hasn't inserted dubstep to his music. Or died.

Sunday 2 March 2014

Long haired men

I like men with long hair.

But it's something community decided is just as appropriate for men to have, as being bald is for women.
If a woman is bald, she must have cancer.
If a man has long hair, he must be an unwashed hippy playing in a crappy rockband. Or a wannabe chick.
There is no other reason.

Men used to have long hair back in the days they were "men", so who was it that decided it was anything but manly? Who decided it was for girls only? And why did people agree?
Before you know it we're going back to people saying pants is for guys, and every woman who wears pants will be called a lesbian. It makes no sense.

I will say this, though, it's really just the "concept" of men with long hair I like these days.
It feels like most men are not able to work with long hair anymore, and so I actually have to agree with the stereotype. Besides that most men with long hair I've come across indeed look unwashed and/or play in a rockband, they also tend to have a beard, and I don't dig that Jesus-image.

I don't understand it. Men
never seem to do anything nice with their hair. 
They rarely have bangs, or it looks uncombed, or it looks like long fancy pubic hair. It hardly ever look like there was much effort put into it, besides them making the decision to just not cut their hair for a few weeks straight.
Is it because male hair tends to be thicker than female hair? Is that why most can't give themselves a nice hairdo?

I know we can't all be like those kawaii men in the animes, but come on now.

Green eyes and dark skin

I remember my mother saying more than once she found people with blonde hair and black eyes to be very attractive, but I have my personal fascination with people who have a dark skin and bright green eyes.
Honestly, you don't see it that often, and there's such a huge contrast between the two, it makes both skin and eyes stand out. I love it.

Though, it has to be green; I really don't think blue eyes suit a black skin.

Anne Hathaway's "I Dreamed a Dream"

Anne Hathaway's role as Fantine in the musical movie adaption of "Les Miserables" was the only good thing in the entire movie. No offense to the other actors, but I really didn't give a damn about any of them. And it wasn't their fault, really, but rather of the bad writing.
As short Anne's role was, there was more story and emotion in her little performance than in any of the other characters', and to top it off; after Fantine has suffered for who knows how long, she sings us a serious one-shot take of the song "I Dreamed a Dream". And as you follow those watery eyes surrounded by darkness, in combination with her trembling voice, you feel that sadness the character feels. That's how you make people give a damn.
Anne deserves all those awards.

I've never seen or read Les Miserables before this movie, and to be honest, I'm not eager to. This movie alone takes too long with some of its songs, there are too many things going on that are not fully explored, and the romance is so rushed, it would make Disney roll their eyes. It's a pretty bad introduction to a story that might be good.
I understood the book is very big and probably does a better job explaining the characters and their story arcs, as always, but I don't want to read a book that'll probably take me a lifetime to finish.
I'm sure I won't enjoy the broadway shows either, even though there are people claiming the songs are way better. Which I don't agree with, per se.

Sure, you can say the broadway performances are good, but I'm not digging the emotionless standing still like a plank in front of the microphone. If you're going to sing a serious song, you'd better do "something" with those arms. You're not giving people much to look at.

Saturday 1 March 2014

Top 10 Pokémon

Even though I'm not a follower of the cartoon, I do believe I gotta catch 'em all. This is my list of favourite Pokémon:

1. Mew
It's always hard to decide between Mew and Mewtwo; and to be honest, I can't choose. But it wouldn't be fair to place two Pokémon on the same spot. That's not the point of making a list.
I chose Mew to be my number one, as it gains one extra point for its unbearably cute voice.

While there are alot of cat-like Pokémon, Mew is one of the first designed Pokémon in the series, so I don't think it deserves to get noted on that. Just everything about this animal is endearing. I fully believe Mew is the only Pokémon in the series not a single person on the planet dislikes.
2. Mewtwo
Mewtwo is serious business. I love its design, I love its backstory, and it's an (apparently) even stronger clone of a legendary Pokémon; it doesn't get cooler than that. While you'd expect a total Gary Stu with a character design like this, Mewtwo actually has its limits and it still comes across as a fairly deep character.
Of course, not everyone would agree with me on that, but without a doubt, the story of Mewtwo raises some really important discussions. The day cloning is a success, people will definitely frown upon the scientists, but will the clone, who has nothing to do with it, be accepted in society?
Also, Mewtwo is a sexy bitch.
3. Zoroark
Dude, this guy is fabulous.
I've never heard or seen this character before playing Pokémon X, but apparently it has its own movie. The moment it appeared on my game screen I had to have it in my team forever; even though it's not exactly one of the strongest Pokémon out there. It does have alot of neat tricks up its sleeve.
Besides that, its design is amazingly amazing, and that's pretty much all I care for.
4. Charizard
I can't forget about my other old favourite. Before Mew and Mewtwo, there was Charizard.
I've always loved dragons, and Charizard was the most awesome dragon the series had to offer back then. And really, it still is the most awesome dragon. Charizard has a simple and neat design, and it always looked strong and unbeatable. And really, it is a very strong creature.
 Just don't splash water on him, lizard's made of sugar. 
5. Furret
Since I've owned countless of ferrets myself, I couldn't miss this one. But never mind my personal experience, Furret is one cute little sock. As silly and clumsy its first form looks, Furret is a delight for the eye. I'd make some sweet coats out of that tail.
The only thing that saddens me is that the creature is not very strong. 
6. Litleo
Holy smokes, this Pokémon is cute. Just like Zoroark, I've never seen it before Pokémon X, and I certainly enjoyed its presence in my team. Before it evolved. I'm not exactly a fan of the evolved forms, but that's only because this cub is so adorable. The adult versions are not adorable.
Still badass, though.
7. Magikarp
This fish is a trollmaster and I love it.
8. Vaporeon
I always had a strange liking for Vaporeon. I found it to be a very graceful creature, and the prettiest evolution of Eevee at the time.
I still think it's one of the prettiest, though I think Espeon and Leafeon are now beating it. But they came way later, and that's not how I roll.
9. Vulpix
As a child I never really gave much attention to this one, but I can't deny Vulpix is one of the cutest Pokémon out there. And it has an awesome evolution, so it's a win-win.
10. Jynx
I wouldn't use the purple-faced image if you held a knife to my throat. The lovely Jynx has quite a backstory, and I'm sad they had to change the colour she was born with, but apparently Jynx was offensive towards black people, while Mr. Mime isn't considered offensive towards mimes.
But Jynx, you're beautiful.

By the way, Mr. Mime is an abomination.

The Ape Escape cartoon

Since I had a screenshot of Specter from the Ape Escape anime in my Deviantart favourites for years, a while ago I decided to look up this show instead of staring at a picture for all eternity.

"Ape Escape" was one of my childhood games, if not one of the first games I've ever owned, and the picture looked interesting enough. But in my search, a different video caught my eye: an episode from the Western cartoon series, and watched that one instead. Afterwards I remembered what I was doing, clicked one of the Ape Escape anime episodes, and checked out this masterpiece.

I was bored out of my mind.

The cartoon series was cheerful, silly and insanely cute, while the anime was filled with your basic anime-clichés and looked weird, despite of how accurate it tried to be to the game. But I guess that's a good thing, so I shouldn't really attack it for that.
Anyway, in the episode I watched, Spike chased a monkey for circa 9 minutes. And not much else happened.
Now, you'd think that's as close to the game you can get and that's why it should be good, but that's why the game is a game and this anime doesn't work. Looking at someone run after something the entire episode long doesn't add much to the plot. It made me impatient, so I skipped through most of the video, until I got to see Specter. I was not impressed by him, either. It was painful, I always liked that jerk.
The only thing the anime did better than the cartoon was the intro song, but since the cartoon only has a handful of 2 minute-episodes, I guess it isn't fair to expect a full intro.

It was interesting to discover I'm a sad minority on this, but that was to be expected. I seem to be a minority on basically everything in life.
Fans were just enraged by the cartoon series, while I've never seen such an innocent cartoon ever in my life. It's just trying to entertain you with silly stories and isn't forcing any specific emotion on you. I understand that people might not find it "ha ha"-funny, but I've certainly seen worse. At least it presents us with an awesome, funny, sexy caricature of that emo monkey-kid, Specter.

I love him.

Still, fans want to state the obvious that the show "is not canon", or more precisely,"is so fucking bad, they never want to consider it canon for as long they Goddamnfucking live". In reality, this cartoon doesn't offer much that should anger people. At most people should feel indifferent.
I've also seen comments from people who hate it because it wasn't made by Japanese people/isn't anime, including the people who have only seen one screenshot of the show ever.

But, even after having said all this, the main problem isn't even the episodes or the nationality of the people who made it: cartoon Specter is considered the cherry on top.
Because cartoon Specter dares to raise his voice in a comedic manner, he's considered an insult to the character from the game, as to the character from the anime.
But I really like his voice. The only other voice I always really liked was the British voice from the first game. If we ignore the fact I was raised with the British version of the game, I think Specter should always be British.

For a game with such a silly theme, you'd think its fans would have an awesome sense of humor. But they don't. They are, dare I say, complete assholes and like everyone else.

I'm pretty sure that if the fanbase was a bit more supporting, this cartoon series would've made a whole lot more clips, and maybe developed itself into full length episodes with a good overdosis of creative humor and storylines. If we look at the amount of episodes they made in total, it's basically one or two full episodes; meaning these people were just getting started.
Yet they were not given a chance because of some crybabies stuck in nostalgia, who portray the game like it's the Holy Bible and demand the creator's head on a pike for touching it.

I wanted to see more of these episodes, I wanted to see this cartoon succeed, I want that version of Specter on a damn shirt. If Flash animation is so bad, then why is My Little Pony popular. Why is Flash itself popular. Everybody wants to have the damn program, yet nobody wants to see the fruits of it, because even though the software is insanely expensive, its products are considered cheap.

I gave both animated series one chance to impress me. It sounds like a lazy way to go, but if a show does it right the first time, doesn't that mean it's a good show? If both shows didn't do it for me the first time, I would've watched more, but I already made it clear the cartoon series impressed me more.
While the anime didn't do it for me the first time, maybe I need to watch the rest to be able to say what I really think. But it's not something I'm looking forward to, so it's probably going to leave my thoughts.

I think if I didn't see so many people passionately hating on the cartoon, I wouldn't have bothered to write this article.

Ed, Edd n Eddy

Sure, there are alot of cartoons I like. Many of them are from my childhood, and most of them make me laugh more than Ed, Edd n Eddy does. But this show always had a charm I could not resist, and that's why I tend to draw more fanart for it than for anything else.
And my mother is actually one of the few mothers on Earth who didn't complain about her child watching it. But really, she let me watch Ren & Stimpy as well.

Why were parents so afraid of Ed, Edd n Eddy? There's nothing controversial going on in the episodes, and the ridiculous gay undertones came way later. Even the episode where Eddy lost his (hinted) porn magazines came later.
The issue was probably that the characters didn't have a clean and innocent design, like the Powerpuff Girls, or even Tom and Jerry; one of the most violent, stereotyping, women-objectifying cartoons around. Yet nobody sees a problem with that show, or the old Disney and Looney Tunes cartoons. But now people speak of the devil if a cartoon character uses a gun or smokes a cigarette.

The effort put in Ed, Edd n Eddy always intrigued me, animation-wise. Sure, you can make the argument that Courage the Cowardly Dog wasn't far behind, and again, Tom and Jerry and similar cartoons had excellent animation; but the difference is that those cartoons began airing in a different time, where it was "normal" to put effort in the animation, and Ed, Edd n Eddy stayed on air for a very long time.
There is no doubt about it, people are getting lazy. Handdrawn animation is disappearing simply because of this reason. While many tv-shows still use 2D animation, alot of them switched over to the cheaper 3D animation.

I still think 3D has no place on regular television.

Ed, Edd n Eddy was Cartoon Network's longest running starters show, and over the years the animation only became better, but still recognizable. It has come to an end now, and while I think it wouldn't have been impossible for them to come up with more episodes, I'm sure Danny Antonucci had a different reason to quit besides having no more ideas. Sometimes you're just done, and you'll have to respect that.
He wanted to do a different show.

As much I enjoyed the cartoon, though, I do have to mention that the postponed episode "Look Before You Ed" was the most horrible thing I ever set my eyes upon.
I've only seen it once, as I promised myself to never watch it again, but I remember many awkward pauses and it leaving me with an empty feeling. The whole plot was a waste.
The movie wasn't quite what I hoped for, either, but I'll discuss that later on my appropriate blog.

But every other episode kept me entertained, and that includes the widely hated school seasons. The argument was made that Ed, Edd n Eddy was all about kids messing about in the Summer vacation, but I found the school building to be an interesting new setting. The episodes were just as enjoyable, and they managed to pull it off without inserting any students or teachers. I considered these episodes to be a success.

Ed, Edd n Eddy is filled with many unanswered questions, as it never revealed that much about its surroundings, so making fanart for it is an endless task I fully enjoy.


Holy Hell, this man. 
I first came across him when watching the series "Game Grumps", and came across those series when wanting to check out how bad the game Sonic the Hedgehog (Sonic 06) really was. And I was not disappointed by him, or the series.
Sadly enough I came across the series when Jontron had already left, and the reason for this is, of course, fans not supporting anything their idol does.

If you come across this article, please do read the previous articles where I discus Video Games AWESOME and the Nostalgia Critic. In both stories I've talked about the same subject, and without a doubt, it's a rotten personality trait within fans that is rageworthy.
While Jontron has been replaced by someone else now and I don't have a problem with it, you can already guess this poor man is going to get compared with "the great Jontron" till the day he dies. So like always, fans are again not satisfied.

Die. Please, all of you die.

But I don't want to fill my tribute to Jontron with pure hate, as he seems to have handled the whole commotion just fine and said farewell to the series so he could continue making his own videos.
Was giving in to his fans' demands like that really the right thing to do? I wouldn't know about that. I guess this issue doesn't really have a right or wrong answer. I would've liked for the boy to stay, but at the same time, his own material is really damn funny, and if Game Grumps took all of his time, then I guess it wasn't wrong of him to leave.
But at the same time, to appear once a week or month should've been possible, right?

Who knows, maybe one day he'll go back again, but I think both Jontron and Game Grumps did good for the moment.

Jontron is a special kind of batshit crazy, but the jokes he writes and the formula of his videos still leave me puzzled:
I've seen countless of "hosted" gameplay videos and video game reviews, and Jontron's script isn't that different from those terrible wannabes roaming on Youtube. In case you disagree with me, just go back to view some of his videos. And try to be objective.
But there is this brilliance inside of him that makes him succesfully perform these otherwise lame jokes. He has the face, the pose, the voice, the editing skills, that man can make anything seem funny. Of course, I'm not saying his jokes are bad, but Jontron is a complete cartoon character, and that helps him earn his points.
He makes his pet bird, Jacques, appear as a talking robot, and lets it happen without any explanation. And I don't need one. Though, I often wonder what's going on in that bird's head while Jontron is doing his thing and screaming at him.

Most likely not much.
Tis a bird.

Mew and Mewtwo from "Pokémon"

I love these guys. Seriously, you guys. These guys.

I remember the first Pokémon I was drawn towards to be Charizard, since I liked dragons. Didn't like Dragonite, though, he looked queer to me. And oddly enough more like an evolution of Charmander than Charizard does.
Anyway, I'm not sure at what point of my life this was, as I've never actually seen the show when I was a child or played the games. Yet I knew about the characters, had the first movie, a few Pokémon plushies, and a poster portraying the first generation, which was the only generation back then.

Still, I couldn't call myself a fan, since I only really cared about a few aspects of the series.
Mew and Mewtwo are by far the most awesome things the series shat out, and even though I can't bare what they've done with these two after the first movie, my nostalgic love for them stays.

Mew is the cutest motherfucker you'll ever see and hear on a television screen, and I'm almost certain Mewtwo is the first Shadow the Hedgehog to exist.
While I'm still wondering why Mewtwo is the only Pokémon in existence who minds being a Pokémon; as he doesn't want to battle for humans, which is basically the purpose of these little monsters, I guess it proves he has a very high level of intelligence.

At the same time, Pokémon are able to fully understand the human language and show human emotions, so where does their intelligence stop?

People have criticized the first movie for its story, but I have to say I'm happy they didn't fully translate it from the Japanese dub.
It doesn't make sense that Mewtwo would scold the human race for enslaving Pokémon, and he in response plans to kill everyone on the planet and keep his cloned Pokémon to be his own slaves, but to say he's angry for not being "created by God", and on top of that, having Mew call him a fake who will never win against the real Pokémon is not really something we should teach children. Or adults. E
ven if the conclusion of the movie had a peaceful solution.

I'm not sure what the Japanese were thinking, but I was never charmed by this dark plot.

I'm also happy that the deleted scene where Mewtwo befriends his maker's dead daughter stayed deleted.
As touching people found this scene to be, it had no place in the movie. We shouldn't have to "feel sorry" for the scientist or Mewtwo; he's an enraged creation of science, only brought to life to fight for the villain of the series. Either you think he's justified for being angry, or you don't. No need to insert a sob story that probably won't return anywhere else in the movie.

And for Pete's sake, the girl had green hair. What's up with that. Stop giving characters impossible hair colours, animes, I can't take a girl with pink hair seriously.

You may say the movie had its little flaws, but I would disagree with you. It was the best portrayal of Mew and Mewtwo in the entire series. I love the movie.
I was sceptical about the introduced "mega evolutions" of Mewtwo; where he'd transform in a completely different Pokémon for no reason, and becomes even more overpowered, but I'm okey with it now. I own the game Pokémon X where you see him transform in one of his two forms, and it's kind of cool.
I'm still confused how this kind of information is in his DNA, as Mew doesn't have this ability, but I don't have the motivation to care anymore.

I'm playing my Pokémon X, and have a Mew and 4 Mewtwos. And I'm feeding them cupcakes. Really, my life is complete.
I'm happy the creators allowed Mewtwo to return in his end-game cave, and still hasn't been forgotten after all these new Pokémon hit the scene. And Mew is still unobtainable by any normal means, like tradition goes.