Friday 5 February 2016

Top favourite Undertale characters

I love Undertale, obviously, though not all characters do it for me, so I can't be forced to make a top 5 or 10 for this.

From best to also best:

1. Flowey
Flowey is not the funniest character on this list. In fact, he's not funny at all.

But that's not his purpose. Flowey is a tortured soul who stopped caring about being tortured. I'm still not entirely sure how many years he's been a soulless flower, as he has the power to rewind and said he has done this many times, but the thought it might've been hundreds of years makes him even more intriguing. Even in his soulless state, the way he yearns for this shithead of a kid he remembers as his friend is interesting, and there's still alot about Flowey I don't really get. If he's unable to feel, why did he cry when he first discovered he was a flower? Why did he feel fear for Chara in the genocide run? He shouldn't be able to be shocked and weep over anything if he lacks the capability to do so. What's going on in this flower's head?

The reason I like Flowey as much as I do has alot to do with the fact I did not expect anything from him the first time I saw him. Even after he started attacking the player, which was cool, I thought the thing was just a tutorial monster. A taste of what you can expect to see in the Underground. I didn't think to ever even see him again after he got blasted off into space by Toriel, the true tutorial monster.
But this little bitch is the end boss. That blew my mind a little bit.

By the way, I do not care one bit for Asriel, it really has to be Flowey for me.
                                   2. Papyrus
It's hard to choose between Sans and Papyrus, as they are both adorable characters, but I guess I have to choose Papyrus first, because of the dating/hanging out simulator. That was great.

Papyrus' humor lies in his undiscourable personality; you can choose the most negative option when talking to him, and he doesn't care. He sees what he wants to see, he is a child with earplugs and an eternal smile. At the same time, he despises skeleton puns, even though he performs them himself, so I'm still not sure what's up with that. And I'd say that's the biggest mystery about Papyrus, as the guy is quite transparent.
He is also the only character in the series drenched in pure goodness, as this guy will not kill you no matter what. Even the goodhearted Toriel will rip you apart, no matter if it's by accident or not, she is capable.

You're a good kid, Papyrus.
                                       3. Sans
Together with Flowey, also a tortured soul. But I guess he has more reason to keep his grin on, as everything he experiences he still experiences once, unlike Flowey. He lives with the guess it "might've" happened before.
It's made clear he's just a good guesser and does not have rewind powers like the player or Flowey, even so, he speaks about numbers at the end of the genocide run, so it stops being guesses at that point.

All in all, Sans is deeper than you assume him to be when you first meet him. He presents himself as a mere comic relief, but his laziness is caused by his knowledge of the reset power. But what appeals to me even more is the strange twist that Sans is the hero of the story. I mean, maybe that's what I got out of it, but in a scenario where no hero stands up (talking about genocide run), it's Sans that's waiting at the end to mess you up. While Undyne has unexplained determination and is very strong indeed, I don't consider her the true hero despite she being named "the hero". She shows up early in the story, she's supposed to fail.

Sans is the unlikeable, depressed hero of Undertale.
If the reset-happy Flowey was never created by the irresponsible weeabo Dr. Alphys, maybe Sans would've been a likeable, motivated hero. Think about that.
                                   4. Mettaton

This guy is really, really funny.

Just like with Papyrus, I liked all of his scenes and was looking forward to them every time, though I didn't care for his selfish motives that were revealed during his last battle. I didn't think it made sense to attack an innocent human child as an attempt to get out the underground and become famous.

Nevertheless, Mettaton isn't just a selfish diva; even without breaking into his house, you discover that this ghost in an iron body has a more friendly side. After all, he agreed to play along and be the villain in order to make Alphys feel better about herself, while he was clearly bored out of his mind the whole time. Though, he might've played along for the promise to get more views. Undertale doesn't really cover that question.

Mettaton is especially funny because, really, it's a cube shouting "darling" all the time, and to have that kind of personality in such a cheap body is always a win for me. Also love the Mettaton EX battle theme.