Wednesday 29 April 2015


I wonder when I started liking these creatures. I used to watch movies like Blade and Queen of the Damned when I was young, and my first online published original character was a vampire(meerkat), but I'm not able to pinpoint the exact moment I started liking them. Like dragons, and L'Oreal, it seemed like I was born with it.

But I have to admit, the concept of vampires looks less exciting to me now than it once used to. I remember contineously getting dissapointed by vampire-related media, especially in games; when I was young I was hoping for a sexy main character in every vampire game I bought, as this was what vampires were described to be, but there are some hideous 3D vampires in this world. I don't want to badmouth Vampire the Masquerade (Redemption) here, but that's the game I'm having in mind here.
I bought one of the games just because of the "sexy" badass cover, but then you get this unwashed, medieval knight-person with morals you're playing as. Letdown. It was an awesome game, though.

Even though I've always been on an unsuccessful quest for sexy vampires, I do have to mention that all these super-horny or super-mysterious vampires in fiction annoyed me as well. Why can't we have a vampire who acts and talks like a normal person would?
Blade and Queen of the Damned was filled with these type of vampires, and it makes it hard to feel for them. How can we relate with a being that has disco parties with blood being sprayed down from the ceiling? What is the point. Humans don't dance in gravy, why do these creatures have to be so ridiculous.

The many attributes people keep giving vampires don't make them appear that threatening, either. If basically everything silly can kill a vampire, like sharp sticks, water, sunlight, silver, and everything else that completely inhabits the Earth, why should we be afraid of these beings? A common human being is more resistant. It makes a vampire's immortality hardly worth it.

In the end I don't know what attracted me to these beings, I guess what the summary of this article is. It's like I see the potential, but I disagree with what the media does with them.
Perhaps Buffy the Vampire Slayer did it best. Vampires should be like normal people, but when it's dinner type, they change. Simple enough.