Thursday 17 September 2015

Female cartoon characters with little to no chest

I never cared of thought about this issue, but I think what happened is that artists on the internet are so quick to draw women with overblown breasts, it feels overdone to me; and if there's something I can't stand, it's overdone ideas.

The small female chest feels to me as being part of my appreciation for simple design.

Top list of things that make me cry like a little bitch

What a strange list to make.
Sometimes it feels good to be moved by something, and there isn't much going on in my life that I cry about, so sometimes I seek out these things that will make me cry on purpose. Just to get that feeling of relief. Crying is good for you, kids, try it so now and then. Lololol.

I originally wanted to make a list of songs, but then I remembered there are more movies and games that made me sob than musical number. So well, this small list will contain a bit of everything.
As it concludes movies and games, be warned that there are spoilers:

1. Telltale's "The Walking Dead" ending
The Walking Dead is a game that proves effort and relationships are pointless, in a depressing good way. After you've spend many episodes guiding and taking care of the only two characters you should care about, Lee and Clementine, of course the main character Lee dies at the end of it all, and the young Clementine is left to fend for herself.
At least, that's what the creators made people believe, or "worry about", until the sequel was released.

I didn't think the sequel was as good, by the way.


2. "Final Fantasy X" ending
Another game where you put effort into your main character, just for him to end up dead. Tidus' death probably hit me harder because I didn't name him Tidus, but after a character I adore. And I was something like 13 or 14, so that might have something to do with it as well. I remember throwing the controller on the floor after all these weeks of non-stop playing and I actually bought the dumb sequel and played it multiple times, just to get the secret ending where you see Tidus alive again. Never succeeded in doing so, because of how easy it is to accidentally progress the game and lose side missions. But after seeing the ending clip on Youtube, I was reassured it wasn't even worth it.

Anyway, this scene probably won't make me cry now, but I'm grading it based on how I responded to it at the time.


3. "I Dreamed A Dream" scene from the 2012 "Les Miserables"
The movie wasn't really that exciting for the most part, and hardly focussed on any of the relationships it threw at you, but I've already talked about everything there is to talk about on this blog.

"I Dreamed A Dream" performed by Anne Hathaway is still the best thing the movie has to offer. Very emotional, despite the movie not having done that much for us to care about the character and her daughter. But we cared about her suffering, and it only took a song.

4. Casper's background story from "Casper"
In the movie Casper, the real-life action movie about the "friendly ghost", for some reason the scene where he explains how he died always got to me. He tells it in a dark atmosphere and fitting piano music is playing in the background. It sounds typical, but I still think it's very well done. People don't appreciate this movie enough.

This is one of my childhood movies, and while other children were crying about Bambi's mother or Mufasa, this was my Mufasa scene.

5.  The father's death announcement from "A Little Princess"
The whole movie is a depressing show, but the scene where the main character gets to hear her father died in battle and she immediately gets dumped out of her fancy bedroom in the orphanage's cold, leaking attic to cry on the floor, calling out for her dead father, just what the shit. The moment where she gets reunited with him is touching as well. Spoilers.

6. "Kaise Mujhe Tum Mil Gayi" from "Ghajini" 
I've never seen the movie this song is from; as I just like to look up and listen to Bollywood music. I have no idea what they are singing about, even, but near the end of the song, something in the man's voice and in the melody upsets me. If I let my imagination do its work, I just end up sad. It's difficult to explain.

Wednesday 29 April 2015


I wonder when I started liking these creatures. I used to watch movies like Blade and Queen of the Damned when I was young, and my first online published original character was a vampire(meerkat), but I'm not able to pinpoint the exact moment I started liking them. Like dragons, and L'Oreal, it seemed like I was born with it.

But I have to admit, the concept of vampires looks less exciting to me now than it once used to. I remember contineously getting dissapointed by vampire-related media, especially in games; when I was young I was hoping for a sexy main character in every vampire game I bought, as this was what vampires were described to be, but there are some hideous 3D vampires in this world. I don't want to badmouth Vampire the Masquerade (Redemption) here, but that's the game I'm having in mind here.
I bought one of the games just because of the "sexy" badass cover, but then you get this unwashed, medieval knight-person with morals you're playing as. Letdown. It was an awesome game, though.

Even though I've always been on an unsuccessful quest for sexy vampires, I do have to mention that all these super-horny or super-mysterious vampires in fiction annoyed me as well. Why can't we have a vampire who acts and talks like a normal person would?
Blade and Queen of the Damned was filled with these type of vampires, and it makes it hard to feel for them. How can we relate with a being that has disco parties with blood being sprayed down from the ceiling? What is the point. Humans don't dance in gravy, why do these creatures have to be so ridiculous.

The many attributes people keep giving vampires don't make them appear that threatening, either. If basically everything silly can kill a vampire, like sharp sticks, water, sunlight, silver, and everything else that completely inhabits the Earth, why should we be afraid of these beings? A common human being is more resistant. It makes a vampire's immortality hardly worth it.

In the end I don't know what attracted me to these beings, I guess what the summary of this article is. It's like I see the potential, but I disagree with what the media does with them.
Perhaps Buffy the Vampire Slayer did it best. Vampires should be like normal people, but when it's dinner type, they change. Simple enough.

Sunday 22 February 2015

Top 10 South Park characters

I like South Park. Unlike the Simpsons, they are still clever and it does not make me uncomfortable whenever they parody something that's popular at the moment. The Simpsons' Minecraft intro made me cringe.

The stories are often silly, but it's always been the characters that made them great. The creators have a knack for writing characters, all with a distinguishable personality. When given screentime or their own episode, you discover there aren't any background characters in this series.
The way they transformed Butters from background filling to a 5th main character was done effortlessly and succesfully, and as little screentime they had in the entirety of the series; both Tweek and Nathan caught our attention.

Here's my top list of South Park characters, from best to good enough:

1. Tweek
From the first time I met this character I liked him, he was the first South Park character I liked. His stress makes me laugh. Which is why it's upsetting that the creators did so little with him in the series and Tweek isn't really all that funny in the South Park RPG game.
Nevertheless, I remember the good scenes when looking at this character, and that's all that matters.

2. Terrance and Phillip
The Canadians in general are funny, but of course Terrance and Phillip are their kings. While they often appear vulgaire and random, I like they have a normal and moral side to them. Any episode that features them is a win.
Love their silly voices.
Kyle's little Canadian brother is by far the cutest character in the show, and while I miss the "kick the baby" skits, as Kyle has matured till the point he stopped abusing infants, Ike's small lines of dialogue are just great.
I wonder if the children who voiced him kept the swears in their vocabulary.
4. Nathan

Nathan is a fairly new character, and even though I didn't really care for him in the Looney Tunes spin-off, the second episode that featured him made me realise how funny he actually is. 

I liked the running gags and there being another villain character who might rival Cartman one day. Knowing South Park, Nathan's personality will only get amplified; after all, Cartman wasn't really a sadistic villain in the first season, just a spoiled brat who went home alot.
5. Timmy

His lines are simple, but he causes easy laughs.

6. Butters
A sweet boy who keeps being the victim of, well, everyone else's actions. He often gets paired up with Cartman to be his slave, and really, I think the series needed that. Stan, Kenny and Kyle are simply becoming more intelligent and less involved with Cartman, they wouldn't help him take over the world.
7. Jimmy

Jimmy is cheese itself, that's why it's hard not to love him.

8. Cartman
As much as I like Cartman, he is down the list because I do feel that his evil personality is too big of a contrast compared to the personality he started out with in the series. Going from spoiled child to psychopathic genius is quite a leap, after all.
Even so, it's always fun to see how Cartman is able to manipulate his surroundings and always get what he wants. Except when the show decides he's a normal child again and he just quietly sits at the table having lunch after he tried to destroy the world with Cthulhu as his pet.

9. Kyle

The interactions between him and Cartman are always enjoyable to watch, it's an interesting love-hate relationship and one of the more interesting relationships in general. Though I'm pretty sure the hate is stronger than the supposed "love". Hold your slash fanart.

But it's still a sad truth that Kyle only works as a person when Cartman is around; because honestly, Kyle has been too much of a goody-two-shoes lately. It isn't a bad thing, but in a show like South Park, it makes for a boring character.
While you have goody-two-shoes Butters, his character works because he's also naive till the point he's dumb, but Kyle is just too intelligent for the show in general.

10. Kip
A character we won't be seeing back anytime soon, I'm sure, but his pathetic life amused me.

Friday 20 February 2015

Top 5 people with best laughs

I like to hear people laugh, it strengthens a joke, whether or not it was ever good to begin with. Of course, only loud and genuine laughs do the trick, so here's my list of people with the most contagious laugh.

From best to slightly less best:

1. Ricky Gervais
Actor Ricky Gervais is probably best known for his insane laughs, and that's a great thing to be known for. Insane laughs first, comedy career second.
The moment he's going at it, his voice pitch increases without effort and echo is to be heard everywhere, no matter the room or area he's in. That's a gift.

There aren't many people who can make the sound of pure, untainted joy.

2. Fraser Agar
Fraser, from the internet series "Video Games AWESOME", is almost touching Ricky Gervais territory with his laughs. He too has a loud and high-pitched laugh that will turn any bad joke, or even normal event, into one great lulz.
Even though many people say the guy gets easily annoyed,
I'd say he gets easily amused. Besides, a man with such an honest laugh cannot be bitter at heart.

I especially appreciate a guy who laughs at his own jokes, without fear it makes him seem pathetic. It helps when you're actually funny, though.

3. Ben from "The Drunken Peasants"
This Youtube news podcast host is like an effective laugh track that producers would pay millions for to use for their cheesy "live audience" TV series.
4. Joel from "Vinesauce"
Next to him being a more talented and enjoyable Pewdiepie, Joel has a very contagious laugh to go with it. Pretty much any sound that comes out of this man makes the video you're watching enjoyable, which is why the videos were he hardly talks are a bit slow. Sadly enough, that makes most of his unedited recordings.
But as it's unedited, I can't treat it anything but fair.
5. Vinny from "Vinesauce"

While Vinny doesn't laugh that often during his gameplays, and is more known for his horrifying Shrek games gameplays, his short high-pitched bursts of giggles are powerful.
Just like Joel's videos, his unedited works tend to be a bit slow.