Wednesday 23 July 2014

Humanoid robots

I want to be this a thing one day. Robots with actual human intelligence and an actual human appearance. 
Whatever doomsday-outcome it may give, I don't care.

Top 10 guilty pleasures

We all have those things we enjoy, but rather not mention in a conversation. Sometimes it's just not intended for you, it's widely known to be bad, or you just feel conflicted about the artist or the origin.

This is my list of guilty pleasures, going from "most ashamed" to least.

1. K3
It's not something most of you would know about, but this Flemish pop group for little girls is a big hit in the Netherlands. And I'm alright with them, their music is actually pretty nice and upbeat. It's very electronic dance.

But naturally, there is no place for me to listen or talk about them, so I never do so. 
2. Cinderella 3
 I can go as far as admitting to like this movie, and I already wrote an article about it, but I don't think I can get myself to suggest to watch the movie with anyone older than 12. My friends are out of the question.

Perhaps this is the "My Little Pony" in my life.
3. Having sweets for breakfast or lunch
My first meal of the day is usually dinner, but before that time I sometimes find myself devouring candy. I can't say I'm doing it on purpose. Everybody loves candy and I just lack the hunger to have a full meal, so it happens that sometimes a chocolate bar ends up being my breakfast.

I'll probably be dead next week.
4. Stories involving Stockholm syndrome
While I don't want to describe it that way, I am clear-headed enough to realise it is exactly this. Most of us have this guilty pleasure, interestingly enough.
As much as we all love Disney's "Beauty and the Beast", both characters don't exactly have a nice start in their relationship. Gaston was more polite. Yet we were all cheering for this forced relationship between a kind village girl and a giant cursed dog.
I wouldn't look these kind of stories up in a million years, they are complete trash.

I always thought that the concept of a strong character with a weak character being its only weakness was the thing that appealed to me, but I wrote my own share of stories; and I never excluded the strong character being violent or mean towards their love interest in the beginning, therefore, I can only conclude that the Stockholm concept appeals to me, whether I like it or not.

Does that mean I'm looking forward to getting abducted and having to marry the nutcase who abducted me? Who would say "yes" to that. Get out of here.
5. Pink clothes
It's a strange thing to mention in this list, especially since I talked about the colour pink in my negative blog. And really, it's not the concept of "pink clothes" that interests me, but every now and then I see or wear something pink, and I like it. Nothing else to say about it.

I guess my hatred for pink isn't strong enough.
6. The fact I draw cartoon characters
Never did people not like what I do, internet and in real life, but there's something about the subject that prevents me to talk about it, or want to answer people's further questions.

While it's all that I draw and love to draw, I guess I feel embarrassed because it's all that I draw and love to draw. I know a bit too much about certain cartoon shows; things most people don't care about, and you have to wonder if there aren't more important things in life I should stuff into my brain.
Concerning art, realism just doesn't interest me and neither do lifeless objects. The question is how seriously people take artists who draw Spongebob, opposed to landscape painters, but I simply don't care about creating art that has no beating heart or is the same as taking a picture with your camera. I want to draw silly things that comes from the mind. Not what already exists in this world. When I draw a human, it has to be a cartoon with floppy arms.

But maybe it's all in my head, maybe I am just as cool as the more serious artists.
7. McDonald's
Lets stop pretending: McDonald's is not as "bad" as we keep telling each other. Why would so many people eat there if the food truly tasted like old shoe? Not because it's cheap, that's for sure.

While I like to make jokes about the restaurant, I am happy to get invited to McDonald's.
8. t.A.T.u's "Not Gonna Get Us"

When I first joined Youtube years and years ago, I remember this song having the same reputation as any Nickelback song had, as it's supposedly always heard in horrible fanvideos.
Back then, Nickelback songs were often used in music videos starring Sonic characters, voice clips from Dane Cook shows were thrown together with Inuyasha footage, and the song "Not Gonna Get Us" was used for overdramatic music videos starring animated characters from any movie or series.

People were sick of hearing this song, which really, isn't bad at all.

It's a total bummer, as I always wanted to make an animation with this song, but never did so, simply because the song was overused and considered crap.
I have no idea what people think of it these days, though.
9. Micheal Jackson
I spent most of my teenage years calling the guy a filthy pedofile, but even if I got proved right by the most undiscardable proof, I guess it doesn't change the quality of his music.

While I still frown in my mind whenever a tribute to the man gets released or little children dress and dance like him on tv-talent shows, as he was still undoubtedly crazy, I guess I value his work over his mental health.
Love "Heal the World".
  10. Drawn characters that smoke
 Very specific and very strange, as I can't say I'm charmed by smokers. In fact, I don't want a cigarette anywhere near me, yet I still find it cool when a drawn character is portrayed with a cigarette.
What's up with that.